Sylvie Kossodo,博客|科威治理总监
Bli要求细胞表达萤光素酶,该词源自拉拉路西法- 发光物质,例如由萤火虫或海洋产品的发电机物质。萤火萤火萤光芒基督1985年2年初次实现克隆,自那时起,绿色最常用于荧光色成像。萤火虫萤光素酶需要注入其底物D-萤光素,该荧光素会产生在562 nm时达到峰值的生物发光信号,该信号由放置在不透光柜中的高光子转换效率电荷耦合器件相机(CCD)捕获。图1说明了从工程肿瘤细胞表达萤光素酶到动物体内成像的事件序列。科文斯采用IVIS®体内成像系统(PerkinElmer,马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆),该系统可在广泛的波长范围内实现高灵敏度和高分辨率的体内bli和荧光成像(fli)。在2%异氟血迹下,一传来更多可用。为每只小鼠注射d-萤光素,在注射后10-15分钟内对小鼠行行成像.bli信号在肿瘤,特点区域(例如颅骨,胸腔胸腔或部),整个整个体或离体组织周围绘制的感兴趣区域(ROI)中行行量化,并且该信号按照光子/秒达达,代表来自用上户区域的全向通量。图库矢量图片4.3.1(PerkinElmer,马萨诸塞州萨诸塞州尔瑟姆)软件分子。
图2中的实例突出了非侵入性bli在监测监测组织肿瘤肿瘤发离方式的价值。将nci-h460-luc2人素肺癌异种移异种移物原位(ot)(OT)(1x105细胞/小鼠)雌性裸鼠的左肺.bli(图2,左上)显示了最早在肿瘤细胞植入后8天就可以到胸腔肿瘤(在第28天可查看的最大信号阈值而在图片中不可见),而且肿瘤负荷在接接来的2周内增加。在整个整个程中,小屋的平面体系百分比为18.3%,可以能与有关(未未),并且小屋在肿瘤细胞细胞后28天安乐死。尸检揭示了原发行肿瘤的明显生活以及整个肿块实质性的实质性发布。在图2(左下)中,雌性雌性化病c57bl / 6小鼠颅内gl261-luc2同系鼠鼠神经胶质瘤(1x106细胞/小鼠)。植入后7天,大众中可检测肿瘤。与疾病进展相关的体育在该模型中很常见,并且在植入肿瘤11天就可以检测到,而死亡中间时间约为21天。在雌性裸鼠中行行心内注射后,人均乳腺腺癌细胞系mda-mb-231-luc-d3h2ln形(1x105细胞/小鼠)。在注射肿瘤细胞21天后,骨病变清晰可见,并且在接下来的3周内,肿瘤数量和肿瘤总负荷都有所增加(图2,右侧,顶部和底部)。到第32天,小鼠体重最多减轻16.2%。 体重减轻很大程度上与模型的侵袭性有关(未显示)。 The takeaway message from these studies is that BLI can be a powerful tool for investigating a variety of tumor types in real-time and non-invasively without relying solely on clinical signs of disease which may, or may not, accompany increasing tumor burden.
Imaging Hematologic Malignancies
经80多种独特的血液恶性肿瘤细胞系,景气引领了与市场相关的血液学恶性模型的行业,特别是在采用细胞疗法(ACT)中有关的相关性,也称为细胞免疫疗法,田间。4BLI is critically valuable when evaluating progression and treatment response in hematological disseminated malignancies. Longitudinal studies performed in 4 different human hematological cancer cells injected IV into NSG mice showed increased tumor burden over time in all models (Figure 3) underscoring BLI’s value in repeated assessment of disease progression and severity, as well as understanding the biodistribution of tumor signal throughout the body.
Monitoring Treatment Efficacy
Clearly, one of the key advantages of BLI is the ability to track the efficacy of anti-tumor therapies over time in the same animal, leading to a reduction in the number of animal used. In the example shown in Figure 5, female nude mice were implanted intracranially with NCI-H1975-luc human non-small cell lung carcinoma in order to mimic lung metastasis to the brain. Mice received two courses of fractionated radiation (2Gy; 5 days on, two days off for two cycles), delivered by a RadSource RS-2000 irradiator. The control group was sham irradiated. BLI images were acquired over time and demonstrated that radiation significantly reduced tumor burden (Figure 5, p<0.05 on day 19) and increased life span by 160% (p<0.05, not shown). In this experiment, we were able to quantify treatment response体内, critical when monitoring efficacy as well as designing and refining new therapeutic approaches.
Checkpoint Inhibition and Combination Therapy
检查点抑制,单独或与辐射组合的影响在植入甲虫中植入雌性白化C57BL / 6小鼠中的鼠同胞增量GL261-LUC2胶质瘤细胞。用小动物放射研究平台(SARRP; Xstrahl Inc.)递送的辐射治疗小鼠,以单一的7.5Gy剂量,抗小鼠PD-1(克隆RMP1-14,10mg / kg)或两种疗法的组合。如图6(左)所示,BLI信号已经检测到肿瘤后细胞植入后6天,并在未来几周内进行。所得生物发光信号(右)的定量显示治疗对肿瘤负担的影响。抗MPD-1治疗导致2.6天肿瘤生长延迟和1/8肿瘤游离幸存者(TFS),而辐射导致16.6天肿瘤生长延迟和2/8 TFS。辐射和抗MPD-1治疗的组合导致显着的38.6天肿瘤生长延迟和7/8小鼠完全缓解。在体内深入的恶性肿瘤中测量抗肿瘤反应的传统方法基于终端,经常,耗时的读出。如在这些例子中所示,整合体内BLI imaging has allowed us to shift from a “black box” of tumor therapy to real-time assessment of individual responses, providing the flexibility to adjust and refine treatments more rapidly.
BLI可以与其他成像方式耦合以询问不同的生物途径。为了说明这个应用程序,我们使用了Syngeneic 4T1-Luc2-1A4mouse breast adenocarcinoma cells injected OT into the mammary fat pad of immunologically competent BALB/c mice. When tumors reached ~300 mm3, a near-infrared imaging agent, ProSenseTM值750注射IV以检测与侵袭性乳腺癌生长相关的组织蛋白酶活性。prosTM值750 is an optically silent agent which becomes fluorescent upon cleavage with cathepsins. As shown in Figure 7, BLI and FLI tumor signals were readily detectable in tumors. However, BLI and FLI signals were not perfectly superimposable which is expected given that luciferase is produced by all living tumor cells while the fluorescent signal is confined not only to tumor cells but also other tumor-associated cells, mainly macrophages, responsible for the cleavage and uptake of the cathepsin ProSenseTM值750探头。因此,可以使用多模来询问不同的生物学体内, 同时。
Mouse models of deep-tissue cancer and cancer metastasis rely predominantly on terminal assessments like tissue weight, nodule counts, and/or histologic analysis for the assessment of tumor burden. Since its introduction well over 20 years ago, BLI has become an invaluable technique to track the growth dynamics of bioluminescently-tagged cancer cell lines over time and in response to various therapeutic approaches体内,最小化研究中的动物数量,因为可以随时间成像,而无需终端评估。除了提供替代建立的侵入性或放射性同位素依赖性非侵入性成像模式的替代方案之外,BLI还为各种科学领域产生了重大贡献。
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2De Wet Jr,Wood KV,Helinski Dr,Deluca M.杀萤火虫荧光素酶cDNA的克隆以及活性荧光素酶的表达Escherichia coli。Proc。Natl。阿卡。SCI。U.S.A. 1985;82,7870-7873。
3Jenkins de,Oei Y,Hornig Ys,Yu Sf,Dusich J,Purnio T,Contag Pr。生物发球成像(BLI)可以改善和完善的鼠类生态和转移传统的“Clin Exp MetaStasis”,2003; 20(8):733-744。