OECD 413/OCSPP 870.3465: Inhalation toxicity study (subchronic, 90-day)

Record Type:Study


OECD 413/OCSPP 870.3465 is a validated test designed to characterize chemical toxicity via inhalation following repeated exposure for a period of 90 days, and is usually used to provide data for quantitative inhalation risk assessments. Groups of at least 10 male and 10 female rodents are exposed to the test chemical at three or more concentration levels for six hours per day for 90 days; this is compared to filtered air (a negative control) and/or the vehicle (a vehicle control).

Animals can be exposed for five or seven days per week. Males and females are always tested, but they may be exposed at different concentration levels if it is known that one sex is more susceptible to a given test chemical. The results of the study can provide information including hematology, clinical chemistry, ophthalmology, gross pathology, organ weights, and histopathology, to help better characterize the toxicity of a test chemical.

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Industry Market


