Neurobehavioral Assessments (Small model studies)




Neurobehavioral testing includes neurotoxicity screening assays, locomotor activity assessment, sensorimotor gating assessment and learning and memory assessment.


Locomotor activity assessment (motor monitor system):自动运动评估系统能够评估一般的动态活动,陈规定型行为,饲养活动,中央区域与高吞吐量的外围选择(类似焦虑的行为)和运动习惯。

SensorImotor Gating评估(声学Sightle系统):声波系统能够以高吞吐量的高吞吐量评估最大峰值响应,预脉冲抑制和惊吓习惯。学习和记忆评估是在专用莫里斯水迷宫设置中进行的。

功能性观察电池或修改的IRWIN测试:Testing procedure for assessing alterations in sensorimotor, neuromuscular, autonomic, physiological and central nervous system activity.

电机协调评估旋流器或梁步行:Spatial navigation relies upon a number of brain functions - including motor coordination. This type of test explores gross and fine motor coordination.

Short-Term Recognition Memory Novel Object Recognition:An efficient means for testing different phases of learning and memory. As rodents have an innate preference for novelty, a rodent that remembers the familiar object will spend more time exploring that novel object. This assessment relies on the rodents' natural proclivity for exploring novelty. Therefore, there is no need for numerous training sessions or reinforcement to motivate behavior.

社会障碍和重复行为社会化,瓶刷,大理石埋葬:Assays performed in order to fully assess neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by impairments in social interactions and repetitive patterns of behaviors.

Full histopathologic assessments of the central and peripheral nervous systems are available which are fully compliant with ICH, EPA and OECD recommendations.