

在EU / EEA中,在寻求杀生物剂活性物质和杀生物产品的登记或授权时,可能需要考虑三个单独的立法 - BPR,CLP(分类,标签和包装)和覆盖范围。BPR是主要规范,由ECHA与个人评估成员国主管当局(ECAS)一起管理。在欧洲市场推出杀生物剂的第一步是有批准的活跃物质。经过积极物质批准后,您将申请特定的杀生物产品授权one of several possible routes

Covance has a proven track record of supporting clients through BPR in Europe. By partnering with us, you will benefit from extensive insight and practical experience gained through both active substance approval and product authorization.

Brexit Image
  • Dedicated team of BPR specialists working within the wider team of regulatory scientists
  • Comprehensive management of all the financial, legal and administrative aspects of handling a registration group
  • Track record of managing active substance approvals through BPR submission – from Article 95 applications to full submissions



Unlike REACH, ECHA does not mandate that companies work together to submit a single registration dossier for each biocidal active substance under BPR. However, many companies choose to do this as registration groups to help contain costs. Setting up a registration group means identifying other registrants, confirming equivalence of active substances and then negotiating to form the group or purchasing access to data through a letter of access. Navigating the legal, financial and administrative aspects of active substance approval can be time consuming and can slow your regulatory journey.


You may have a new active substance requiring approval under BPR or an existing substance that is part of the BPR review program. Either way, you need an up-to-date dossier that captures evidence of your substance’s efficacy and demonstrates safety to human health and the environment. The dossier must meet the criteria of the BPR, which has evolved; therefore, older substances submitted under previous legislation, may lack the right data.

Our Capabilities

Managing all the financial, legal and administrative aspects of your task force agreements




Covance can assemble a complete dossier for your substance. From identifying and filling data gaps with a tailored program of testing, supplied by our world-leading testing labs, through to completing an IUCLID dossier and submission via R4BP - This is an end-to-end service designed for both approval success and efficiency.

服务Covance undertake for active substances under BPR include:

  • iuclid粉末料理为新的活性物质或第95条申请制备
  • R4BP提交
  • 关于现有活动批准的监管支持
  • Tier I和II技术等效应用
  • Transitional notifications
  • 根据第95条的非欧盟公司欧盟代表

Keeping ahead of the BPR review program
