法规Support for Endocrine Disruptors

Crop Protection


Covance has the acumen and experience to address complex regulatory questions and ease the passage of your substance through its regulatory journey.

Glowing blue hexagons
  • Covance provides pragmatic advice to smooth the regulatory passage of your substance through the regulation with minimum effort and outlay
  • Extensive insight and experience in ED regulatory processes in major markets allows us to anticipate and avoid potential issues occurring
  • 法规expertise going beyond advice: as your partner we can draft regulatory submissions, respond to questions, and represent you at hearings using clear and robust regulatory arguments

Your Needs




Creating compelling weight of evidence arguments based on published data, QSARs and read across

Leveraging the existing information on a substance is the foundational step in building your regulatory strategy. Our regulatory scientists conduct literature searches in line with mandated standards to build a robust evidence base from published data. Combining this with QSAR modelling and read across, we can build compelling arguments that may enable avoid additional testing. The weight of evidence approach is also used as a primary strategy when preparing the argument for or against a test item being classified as an endocrine disruptor or not.

