连接你和一个独特的合作开始your client to a world of advanced study expertise, insight and specialized solutions. Whether it’s one study, a multi-phase drug development program or project management support – the consultant connection hits the mark with customized offerings designed to make your job as a consultant easier, while successfully progressing your clients to their drug development destination.

简化您的工作 - 保持专注于您的客户
获得洞察力 - 帮助您的客户更快地达到决策点
Engage specialized experts and technology – provide your clients with fit-for-purpose solutions
- Expanded GLP Toxicology and IND/CTA-Enabling Programs
- Programmatic Outsourcing
- 发送Submission Requirements
- 免疫化学
- 生物学
- 交钥匙通过非界性测试优化
- 独家生物技术:精品临床试验经验
- 目标产品简介
- 扩大的实验室管理解决方案(ELMS)
- 翻译生物标志物
- 伴随诊断
- Patient Recruitment
- 罕见的疾病和孤儿药物发展
- 免疫肿瘤学
- 疫苗and Novel Immunotherapeutics
Simplify your work – stay focused on your client
From aligning a dedicated program manager to manage logistics for your portfolio of clients - to connecting you with a world of thousands of specialists that can make recommendations for assays, issue resolution or regulatory strategy – the consultant connection is focused on simplifying your job, keeping you up-to-date and driving the success of your clients program.
获得洞察力 - 帮助您的客户更快地达到决策点
Now, you can reach milestones faster and with more confidence, leveraging a rich history of drug development. You set the program goals and key decision points.
从单一项目到全面解决方案,您将找到对任何大小的程序的支持。从早期发展到营销后的研究 - 其最终的药物开发 - 灵活性。
Engage specialized experts and technology – provide your clients with fit-for-purpose solutions
Experience things differently. You’re now collaborating with an experienced drug development partner, while efficiently serving your client. We take a two tiered approach – providing resources for you and top science for your clients.
Connecting you to complete drug development resources
现在,通过访问深入的服务组合,正在进行的项目通信和状态更新以及跨越整个开发连续体的专业知识,您的焦点仍然存在于您的客户身上。从特定的解决方案或单一研究,到整个药物开发计划 - 您和您的客户嵌入在最终的开发经验中,以获得下一步的洞察和连续性
客户依靠您提供专业知识和战略洞察力。将Covance视为工具包中的额外资产 - 用于药物开发的任何阶段的专业指导。