肺部疾病: Clinical Trials & Testing
- 肺功能测试,集中肺活量和分数呼出一氧化氮(FENO)
- High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT)
- Measures of exercise capacity, including six-minute walk test (6MWT) and cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET)
- 痰液采样和生物标志物测定的加工,微生物学和细胞学
- 支气管镜检查伴支气管肺泡灌洗(BAL)
- 患者报告的结果(EPROS /日记)和问卷

Clinical Trials
我们已经 。。。
- 支持550过去五年免疫介导的炎症疾病(IMID)临床试验,包括更多90.哮喘,65.COPD,20.CF和20.IPF试验。
- Managed at least自2004年以来每年1个IPF试用。
- 参加超过165项研究涉及儿科患者,等同于大约所有美国儿科试验中的20%。
- Over90.protocols for asthma和65.for COPD.
- 患者represent the following countries: United States, United Kingdom, Poland, Germany, China, New Zealand, Japan, Russia, Belgium and Ukraine.
- To date, we've completed testing in over 50 countries at more than 6,000 sites, representing more than 80,000 patients.
- 下载我们的信息图表

- 访问超过150,000 asthma/COPD patients通过伙伴关系网站。
- 目标经验丰富的网站,使用高招聘率极品®试验设计
- Utilize specialist inflammatory biomarker analysis, e.g. eosinophil cationic protein and periostin

- Accessmore than 3,000 asthma和more than 2,500 COPD investigators全世界
- 使用我们的调查员性能数据库选择最高排名的调查员亚博全站官网

Coordinate with device & inhalation for lung administration routes
- 伙伴with a single organization that offers设备测试, in vitro diagnostics, clinical trials andinhalation给药途径。
- Work with a global, dedicated inhalation team and facilities.

Yield accurate data using centralized analysis and highly trained staff
- 集中目标端点分析以降低可变性
- 确保适当的仪器的可用性,并提供有关仪器使用的学习培训,以及数据收集,处理和解释

Optimize lung treatment pricing for successful market entry
- Understand how devices patents (i.e. forinhalation devices) are different than pharma patents
- Use effective reimbursement strategies and patient follow-up for patients struggling with respiratory and lung disease

Access specialist pediatric investigators and sites
- 儿科协议设计与实施的专业知识
- 识别和支持高性能的儿科调查人员亚博全站官网
- 在开发过程中制定儿科发展计划和参与监管机构
- 使用患者和/或父洞洞察的语音理解患者挑战,并纳入试验设计
- 支持患者和家庭需求的站点基础设施