Meet the Oncology & Hematology Medical Consulting Team
Ariel E. Aguiló, MD
Senior Medical Director
高级医疗主任,医学博士Ariel Aguilo Covance Clinical Development Services, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He provides subject matter expertise and support for the development and conduct of clinical trials on clients’ drug development projects. Dr. Aguiló performs medical monitoring and data review, contributes to the medical strategy and execution of clinical programs, and brings scientific strategic leadership to the Oncology area at Covance. He brings 10 years of experience as a physician, medical advisor and medical director in drug research and development to Covance. Before joining Covance, he served as Medical Director for Syneos Health in Buenos Aires, and prior to that, served as Medical Advisor for IQVIA in Buenos Aires. He began his career as Attending Physician, GI Oncology Department, Hospital de Gastroenterologia. Dr. Aguiló joined Covance in 2012.

Stefanella Bortini, PhD, MD
Senior Medical Director
Stefanella Bortini, MD, PhD, is Senior Medical Director, Oncology, for Covance Clinical Development Services, based in Milano, Italy. She contributes to the development of Covance policies involving medical, safety and therapeutics, and serves as global lead project physician on assigned projects. Dr. Bortini brings more than 30 years of experience in clinical research to Covance. Before joining the company, she was Senior Director, Medical Affairs, Oncology, for Chiltern International in Milan. She also has held positions with i3 Research, PRA International, Pharmacia & Upjohn, and Eli Lilly. Dr. Bortini is medically licensed by the Italian Board of Medical and Surgical Examiners and holds ECFMG Medical Certification for the U.S. She received her medical degree from the University of Firenze in Italy, and her PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Northwestern University. She joined Covance in July 2019.

贝戈ña de las Heras,医学博士
Senior Medical Director
Dr. Begoña de las Heras Garcia serves as project physician on clients’ drug development projects, oversees three oncology physicians as part of the Covance Medical Consulting Team in Oncology and is building a global network of sites with expertise in early phase oncology. She brings more than 20 years of national and international clinical oncology research experience and joined Covance in 2016.
Before joining Covance, she served as Executive Medical Officer, Early Phase, for Chiltern in the UK. She also has held clinical research positions with Eisai in the UK and a several organizations in Spain including Pivotal CRO, PharmaMar, AstraZeneca and Bristol-Myers Squibb. She has worked as an oncologist consultant in Ntra Sra. Del Prado Hospital, La Paz Hospital, and General Yagüe Hospital. She has provided significant contribution to several INDs, orphan drug applications, and one NDA, and also co-authored eight book chapters, authored/co-authored more than 20 papers in oncology, and delivered more than 40 presentations in Spanish and at international conferences. She is named as an inventor of two patent applications, according to her contribution to clinical trials and is a member of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology, European Society of Clinical Oncology, American Society of Clinical Oncology and Madrid Medical School.

He Huang, MD
Senior Medical Director

Geoffrey Kannan,博士,医学博士
Geoffrey Kannan,博士,医学博士, is Medical Director, Oncology, for Covance Clinical Development Services, based in Princeton, New Jersey. Dr. Kannan serves as global lead project physician on clients’ drug development projects, providing medical expertise and support in the development and conduct of clinical trials. Dr. Kannan brings more than 10 years of experience as a physician and medical director to Covance, specializing in oncology and pediatrics. Before joining Covance, he served as Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist and Pediatric Neuro-oncologist at Pediatric Specialists of Virginia. Prior to that, he served as Instructor of Pediatrics and Pediatric Neuro-oncologist for the Department of Pediatric Neuro-oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School. The author or co-author of more than 30 peer-reviewed journal articles, presentations and abstracts, Dr. Kannan joined Covance in November 2018.

Lisa Kopp, DO, MPH
Lisa M. Kopp, MD, is Medical Director, Oncology, for Covance Clinical Development Services, based in Princeton, New Jersey. She serves as global lead project physician on clients’ drug development projects. Lisa brings more than 15 years of experience in pediatric medicine and clinical research to Covance, with a focus on hematology/oncology. Before joining Covance, she was Associate Professor, Pediatrics, Hematology/Oncology, Banner Health System, University of Arizona, where she served as lead principal investigator in clinical trials in children and young adults with cancer with a focus in sarcomas. She also served a Fellowship in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas. A Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from Michigan State University, and author or co-author of several dozen journal articles and industry presentations, Dr. Kopp joined Covance in January 2019.

Carlo Lanza, MD, PhD, MSc
Executive Medical Officer
Carlo Lanza,医学博士,Covance Clinical Development Services的执行医疗官,总部位于瑞士卢加诺。Lanza博士为Covance客户进行1-4期临床试验的医疗监测和安全性评估。他领导早期阶段和转化研究早期发展项目,包括靶向治疗、小分子、生物制剂和基因治疗。兰扎博士还监督后期发展战略的制定、注册项目的交付和批准。作为一名内科医生和医学主任,他拥有20多年的临床研究和开发经验,专长于儿科和肿瘤学。在加入科文斯之前,他曾担任瑞士日内瓦疟疾药物合资企业的医疗主管。兰扎博士还曾在诺华肿瘤公司、辉瑞全球研发公司和阿斯利康英国公司担任领导职务。卡罗于2012年加入科文斯。

Martine Poelman,医学博士
Executive Medical Director
Martine Poelman是位于比利时布鲁塞尔的Covance临床发展服务公司肿瘤科的执行医疗主管。她为科文斯的客户提供医疗和科学支持,帮助促进血液系统恶性肿瘤的药物开发。作为一名内科医生和医学主任,Martine为Covance带来了30多年的临床研究和开发经验,专长于儿科和肿瘤学。在担任目前的职务之前,Martine曾担任Covance全球肿瘤研究主管15年多,为200多项临床试验提供医学监测。在加入科文斯之前,她曾在布鲁塞尔的礼来担任临床研究医师,血液肿瘤传染病学。在进入研究之前,她曾在荷兰威廉敏娜儿童医院儿科肿瘤科担任骨髓移植和血液肿瘤内科医师。马汀于1996年11月加入科文斯。

卡迈勒·韦尔·赛尼, MD, MRCP (UK)
Senior Medical Director
Dr. Kamal Veer Saini is a board-certified medical oncologist based in Brussels, Belgium. As Senior Medical Director at Covance, he contributes to medical strategy in the oncology area and client consulting and engagement on asset development and all related aspects of medical and scientific execution.
He has more than 15 years of experience in academia and industry, having held numerous posts of increasing seniority across all phases of clinical drug development in various cancer types (solid tumors as well as hematological malignancies) with both regional and global responsibility.

Ivana Teodorovic, MD
Senior Medical Director
Ivana Teodorovic, MD, is Senior Medical Director for Covance Clinical Development Services, based in Brussels, Belgium. Dr. Teodorovic serves as project physician and provides scientific support on global and regional oncology studies for Covance clients. She develops, reviews and revises protocols, and coordinates and performs medical monitoring and review of patient data. Dr. Teodorovic brings more than 30 years of experience as a physician and medical director in drug research and development. Before joining Covance, she served more than 10 years as Coordinating Physician for the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Data Center Company (EORTC) in Brussels, where she authored the SOP-EORTC Tissue Research Policy. Dr. Teodorovic began her career as a certified anatomopathologist at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology in Belgrade, Serbia. She joined Covance in May 2005.