
Pharmaceutical companies working in rare diseases rely on innovative partnerships to strategically develop their drugs in this challenging space. Count on Covance and our Rare Disease and Pediatric Team to provide critical expertise to advance your rare disease drug candidate to market.

  • 在全球和地方监管细微差别中获取专业知识,以罕见的疾病工作,包括孤儿或再生医学的先进治疗指定和儿科计划

  • 通过更智能的可行性来提高试验可预测性,以告知学习设计和数据驱动策略进行交付

  • Specialized and coordinated capabilities aim to accelerate drug development and reduce risk forvip亚博

Your Needs

Patient access, recruitment, and retention can be challenging in any trial but are uniquely difficult issues when working within rare diseases. Don’t let this hurdle stand in the way of developing your rare disease therapeutics. We utilize powerful analytical solutions such asXcellerate® Clinical Trial Optimization®,访问及时,现实世界Labcorp诊断实验室结果数据,全球中央实验室调查仪性能数据和患者智能输入,提供独特的见解,使我们能够提供更快的患者入学和增强的患者保留。这种数据与领先的宣传群体相结合,适用于支持和教育学习团队,遗址,患者及其家庭的目的工具,以及专门的患者招聘和保留团队在罕见的疾病中工作,使我们成为我们合适的合作伙伴将您的产品更快地推向市场。







Developing an orphan drug to target a rare disease requires relevant experience in the therapeutic area and operational flexibility to handle a rare disease clinical trial’s unique challenges. We offer a wide variety of solutions – tailored for, and dedicated to, rare disease drug development – at every point from drug discovery to commercialization.

  • 通过COVANCE和LABCORP专业测试组访问超过5000个分析,包括相关的生物标志物,包括相关的生物标志物
  • Leverage 120 genetic counselors through LabCorp and take advantage of genomic stratification for patient selection
  • Trust in our proven logistical solutions to deliver >99% sample receipt within stability to maximize your sample yield
  • 在开发的罕见和孤儿毒品中拥有超过20年的市场准入咨询经验,解锁您的产品的市场潜力

Whether you’re running a smaller Phase I study or delivering a global Phase II-III trial, you can rely on our global capabilities and operational expertise in rare disease studies to fully meet your drug program’s needs and deliver consistent results.

Beyond帮助您确保罕见的疾病志愿者满足您的招聘需求,我们还提供深入体验孤儿药物,具有轨道记录,支持超过50个孤儿指示和数十个国家和数千个地点的103项罕见疾病研究。小儿科聚焦稀有疾病研究are even more complex, and our team has proven successful in the management of more than 25 such studies worldwide.


罕见的疾病和孤儿药 -  Covance能力